Ji Ho Ahn, Yeon Woo Cho, Tong Seop Kim, 2019, “Comparative analysis on applying two carbon capture methods in a novel power generation system,” SUstainable PolyEnergy generation and HaRvesting Conference (SUPEHR 2019). (2019.9.4-6. 발표일: 9.5)


Ji Ho Ahn, Yeon Woo Cho, Tong Seop Kim, 2019, “Comparative analysis on…

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Ji Ho Ahn, Yeon Woo Cho, Tong Seop Kim, 2019, “Comparative analysis on applying two carbon capture methods in a novel power generation system,” SUstainable PolyEnergy generation and HaRvesting Conference (SUPEHR 2019). (2019.9.4-6. 발표일: 9.5)