Suk Young Yoon, Byeong Seon Choi, Ji Ho Ahn and Tong Seop Kim, 2017, “Performance enhancement of Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle by using nitrogen from ASU as coolant,” Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences 2017, (2017.03.26-30. 발표일: 03.29


Suk Young Yoon, Byeong Seon Choi, Ji Ho Ahn and Tong Seop Kim, 2017, “…

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Suk Young Yoon, Byeong Seon Choi, Ji Ho Ahn and Tong Seop Kim, 2017, “Performance enhancement of Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle by using nitrogen from ASU as coolant,” Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences 2017, (2017.03.26-30. 발표일: 03.29.)