Hyun Min Kwon, Seong Won Moon, Tong Seop Kim, Do Won Kang and Jeong Lak Sohn, 2017, “Design options for combined cycle power plants with gas turbine reheating,” Proceedings of The 30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simula


Hyun Min Kwon, Seong Won Moon, Tong Seop Kim, Do Won Kang and Jeong La…

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Hyun Min Kwon, Seong Won Moon, Tong Seop Kim, Do Won Kang and Jeong Lak Sohn, 2017, “Design options for combined cycle power plants with gas turbine reheating, Proceedings of The 30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, (2017.07.02~07.06, 발표일: 07.04)