Dong Hyeok Won, Min Jae Kim, Jae Hong Lee, Tong Seop Kim, 2018 “Performance enhancement of PtM-GTCC system by oxygen injection,” Asian Congress on Gas Turbines (ACGT2018), ACGT2018-TS43, (2018.08.22-24 발표일: 08.23)


Dong Hyeok Won, Min Jae Kim, Jae Hong Lee, Tong Seop Kim, 2018 “Perfor…

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Dong Hyeok Won, Min Jae Kim, Jae Hong Lee, Tong Seop Kim, 2018 “Performance enhancement of PtM-GTCC system by oxygen injection, Asian Congress on Gas Turbines (ACGT2018), ACGT2018-TS43, (2018.08.22-24 발표일: 08.23)