Ji Ho Ahn, Ji Hun Jeong, Tong Seop Kim, 2018, “Performance enhancement of a molten carbonate fuel cell/micro gas turbine hybrid system with carbon caputre by off-gas recirculation,” Proceeding of ASME Turbo Expo 2018, ASME paper GT2018-76014, (2018.06


Ji Ho Ahn, Ji Hun Jeong, Tong Seop Kim, 2018, “Performance enhancement…

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Ji Ho Ahn, Ji Hun Jeong, Tong Seop Kim, 2018, “Performance enhancement of a molten carbonate fuel cell/micro gas turbine hybrid system with carbon caputre by off-gas recirculation, Proceeding of ASME Turbo Expo 2018, ASME paper GT2018-76014, (2018.06.11-15. 발표일: 06.14)