J.H. Kim, T.S. Kim, J.L. Sohn and S.T. Ro, 2002, “Comparative Analysis of Off-design Performance Characteristics of Single and Two Shaft Industrial Gas Turbines,” ASME TURBO EXPO 2002, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, ASME paper GT-2002-30132. (American So


J.H. Kim, T.S. Kim, J.L. Sohn and S.T. Ro, 2002, “Comparative Analysis…

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J.H. Kim, T.S. Kim, J.L. Sohn and S.T. Ro, 2002, “Comparative Analysis of Off-design Performance Characteristics of Single and Two Shaft Industrial Gas Turbines, ASME TURBO EXPO 2002, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, ASME paper GT-2002-30132. (American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 20026) 2