Min Seok Hur, Tong Seop Kim, Dong Hyun Kim, Il Young Jung, 2022, “A numerical investigation of leakage characteristics of the rotating labyrinth seal with solid and honeycomb lands,” Asian Congress on Gas Turbines (ACGT2022), ACGT2022-0082 (2022.08.24


Min Seok Hur, Tong Seop Kim, Dong Hyun Kim, Il Young Jung, 2022, “A nu…

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Min Seok Hur, Tong Seop Kim, Dong Hyun Kim, Il Young Jung, 2022, “A numerical investigation of leakage characteristics of the rotating labyrinth seal with solid and honeycomb lands,” Asian Congress on Gas Turbines (ACGT2022), ACGT2022-0082 (2022.08.24-26.)