Ji Hun Jeong, Ji Ho Ahn, Tong Seop Kim, 2019, “Use of ion transport membrane for oxygen generation to enhance the performance of the integrated gasification fuel cell system,” Proceeding of ASME Turbo Expo 2019, ASME paper GT2019-91946, (2019.06.17-21


Ji Hun Jeong, Ji Ho Ahn, Tong Seop Kim, 2019, “Use of ion transport me…

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Ji Hun Jeong, Ji Ho Ahn, Tong Seop Kim, 2019, “Use of ion transport membrane for oxygen generation to enhance the performance of the integrated gasification fuel cell system, Proceeding of ASME Turbo Expo 2019, ASME paper GT2019-91946, (2019.06.17-21. 발표일: 06.17)