Jeong Jin Lee, Soo Young Kang, Tong Seop Kim, Sam Sub Byun, 2017, “Thermo-economic analysis on the impact of improving inter-stage packing seals in a 500 MW class supercritical steam turbine power plant,” Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 121, pp. 974


Jeong Jin Lee, Soo Young Kang, Tong Seop Kim, Sam Sub Byun, 2017, “The…

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Jeong Jin Lee, Soo Young Kang, Tong Seop Kim, Sam Sub Byun, 2017, Thermo-economic analysis on the impact of improving inter-stage packing seals in a 500 MW class supercritical steam turbine power plant,” Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 121, pp. 974-983. (20177)